Hi, I am Tommy

Tommy is 16 years old. He is in high school. He is funny, sweet, smart, and kind. He is excited to become a big brother as he has no other siblings. He is very good with the children in the family, and they all look up to him. The kids love when Tommy spends time with them. Tommy enjoys swimming, gaming, and playing with nerf guns. He is a very good student and excels in school. Tommy is active in the Scouts. He is on a swim team, soccer team, and chess team. He likes staying busy but also enjoys days where he can just relax with family and play games or watch movies.

Tommy’s Favorite Things


Tommy has been around water all of his life. He has been on a swim team for many years. He learned that hard work and practice are important through swimming. He likes making new friends by swimming and spending time with them. He is always trying to improve his time and technique. He is currently a lifeguard. 


Tommy, like most teenagers, enjoys electronics. He specifically enjoys playing his Xbox. On his Xbox, he can communicate live with friends and family. He likes to learn new games and improve his skills. He is very tech savvy and can learn quickly. When Tommy is struggling with a game, he continues to practice and also watches youtube videos to become better.


Tommy enjoys building legos. He has many different sets. Building legos has been fun for him since he was young. He likes challenging himself on new and more difficult projects. Tommy's favorite subject in school is math and he is considering going to college to become an engineer. His love of legos has enhanced his skills and knowledge and helped to guide his future.