From our friends and family


Emily is such a sweet, caring, and determined woman. She has so much love to give. She treats all her nieces and nephews like they are her children, and my kids (who are not biologically related) think of her as 'Aunt Em.' Jeff is one of the funniest guys I have ever met. He is also incredible with my kids. Much like Emily, he treats them like his own, and my kiddos love playing and pestering him. He supports Emily in any way he can. I know this process has to be difficult and mentally exhausting, but they both take it like champs. They are so eager to have a baby of their own.

I think Emily and Jeff would make wonderful parents to a sweet little baby because they care so much about what, where, and how the children in their lives are doing. I have never seen anyone take the responsibility of someone else's children like they do. I would be 100% confident in their parenting over my children. 

I'm not related in any biological way but would love nothing more than to hear their baby call me 'Aunt Becka' one day! 

Bobby Dockins

My name is Bobby and Jeff is my nephew.

Jeff is a fun-loving person and is a kid at heart. Emily is a very responsible person with a good heart, and together they make a great couple. They go on vacation with the family every year on Table Rock Lake and love spending quality time with family.

Jeff and Emily are both very committed and responsible people that love kids.

I would be this little bundle of joy’s great uncle that raised 2 kids of his own. I am a family man and would make a great babysitter.

Dawn Schaeffer

I have known Jeff his entire life.  His Mom and I have been best friends since we started kindergarten when we were 4 years old. I met Emily when they started dating over 7 years ago.    

Jeff is a kind, genuine and reliable person who would help anyone that needs it.  He is someone you can count on from beginning to end.  Emily is such a sweet, nurturing, and loving person that just glows when she is around children.  She interacts well with children of all ages. They have a solid and loving relationship with a wonderful family.  

Probably one of my most favorite memories is seeing them get married.  They were a beautiful couple, and it is wonderful seeing their love for one another.      

Jeff and Emily are already wonderful parents to Jeff's son Tommy, and they have so much love to give to a child.  This child would complete their family.  

I would love to be a great aunt to this child.  This baby will be loved by their family and their large group of friends they consider family.  This child would be a blessing to this family.


My name is Stacey and I am Emily’s Sister-In-Law.

Emily is very sweet and kind and loves spending time with family. Her nieces and nephews are her joy. Jeff is a funny guy who loves playing with the kids. They love making up new games to play. Emily and Jeff both love sports and show the kids how to play.

I have many fond memories of Jeff and Emily. I guess my favorite would be when my oldest son was born. Jeff and Emily had only been dating a few months at the time, and Jeff came to sit at the hospital in anticipation of the arrival of the new baby. I knew then that he was gonna be a keeper and also a great Daddy. (He is a great dad to his son Tommy too.) Since then, they have been front row seats to all four of my kids' lives and godparents to two. I guess this covers how I know they'll make good parents. I know they will be great parents! 

The role I'll play in future baby Frame's life is Aunty. I know I'll see and do just as much for the baby as Aunt Em and Uncle Jeff does for us.