
Pets and animals are a big part of our lives. They bring so much joy and rely on humans. Like a child, it is amazing to watch a baby animal grow and change through each stage of its life. Animals are amazing creatures. They play a role in every day of our lives.

Emily grew up on a farm

I grew up on a farm with cows, chickens, dogs, and cats. It is hard work to take care of animals, but they bring forth enjoyment and necessities. I remember as a kid waking up early each day to feed the cows. It was not always fun or pleasant, but the work had to be done. Growing up on a farm has taught me many life lessons.

Emily always wanted animals

When I moved out on my own and away from the farm, I wanted to have animals or pets in my life. I decided to rescue a dog from a shelter. Since then, I have had a few dogs and loved the times I had with each one of them. They brought me comfort in rough times and so much love. We currently have two dogs that are so loved. They are well-behaved and very good with kids.

Jeff also enjoys animals

Although Jeff did not grow up around animals, he also enjoys them. He got a dog named Sassy for his 14th birthday. He was so happy to have the dog and be able to take care of her. Jeff's family often went to the zoo or other places to see different animals. The trip with Jeff's family to Grant's Farm to see the animals was a great time that we all enjoyed it.