
Jeff and I both enjoy sports. We both played several sports as a child. We loved learning new sports and being a part of a team. We enjoy teaching and playing with Tommy and our nieces and nephews. We also enjoy outings to watch different games. We have many fond memories of different sporting events in our lives.

Jeff remembers when he first started playing baseball.

In one of the first games, he struck out three times. Jeff was so upset and disappointed. After that game, Jeff and his dad stayed at the park. Jeff's dad helped teach him how to swing and watch the ball. Jeff is grateful for the determination and guidance his dad gave him. Jeff has guided Tommy and hopes to do the same with our future child. 

Emily played softball as a child.

I vividly remember being on the mound and pitching in the all-star game the last year I played softball. I worked hard to learn to pitch and enjoyed every minute of being in that special game. I hope one day our child will have the same type of honor and feeling of accomplishment as I did that day.

Now that we are grown

Jeff and I enjoy sharing our love of sports. Jeff has taught Tommy, and we have been teaching and playing with our nieces and nephews. We hope one day to teach our children different sports so they can find something that they enjoy doing and stay active.